Saturday, December 8, 2007

China's take over

The Chinese government has projected a plan of creating about 30 major cities each year for the next 5-10 years in its country to speed up its evolution to world power. With a disregard to world issues such as sustainability, environment awareness and global economics, the Chinese seem to be only concerned with self push. However, with this disregard come dire consequences.

As the Chinese create their own technological research and product companies, as well as cars, clothing, and other mass produced goods, they seem perfectly prepared for world takeover. As the most polluted country in the world, they also seem the least concerned. Could it be that we are looking at the next war era Germany of today?

What do you think?


1 comment:

SuperflyCARSadpis said...

Wow! this is scary!Since they are such a big manufacturer of our imported items, do you think this will help them expand? Or will they use their factories for themselves to expand? Seeing how crowded it is already, maybe making noew cities will help spread out the population!